Auxiliary Groups


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has a long history of auxiliary organizations. In 1940, graduate chapters began to notice that there were women in the community with the same ideals as those women of the sorority. Yet, for various reasons these women were not able to attend college. As a result of their interest in the sorority, many different auxiliary organizations cropped up throughout the United States. The one that has lasted throughout the years and that has been recognized as the only Zeta Booster Club originated in Omaha, Nebraska in 1947. This group is called the zetaAmicaeAmicae, which means “friends” in Latin. The purpose of the Amicae is to lend assistance to Zeta activities, to promote good public relations between Zetas and other women in the community, to make non-Greek women feel closer to the program of a Greek-letter group, and to assure more cooperation in community projects sponsored by Zetas. Membership is open to family members, friends and women recommended by any of the city’s chapters. There are currently over 175 Amicae chapters in the United States.

Today, Omaha’s Amicae chapter consists of five members who are advised by Soror Celeste Greene of Beta Psi Zeta Chapter. The Amicae are very active in the Omaha community. Not only do they assist and support Beta Psi Zeta, but they plan and execute their own community service projects as well. For example, for over ten years the Amicae of Omaha have hosted an Annual Senior Citizens’ Luncheon in the Fall. In the summer they host the Annual Amicae picnic that’s a Blue and White Family favorite.

For more information, please email us.

Archonette Club

In 1968, the National body adopted the name Archonette for its senior-high school youth auxiliary group. The archonetteArchonettes engage in a variety of social, educational, and service. They also serve wherever teenagers are needed to facilitate Zeta programs.

There are currently over 100 international groups. Locally, the Archonettes of Nebraska, under the direction of Sorors Aueritha Hoesing and Kina Watson DeBerry of Beta Psi Zeta, are over fifteen strong. The Zetas of Nebraska are very proud of our Archonettes.

For more information, please email us.


The Amicettes were added to the Zeta structure as the junior-high auxiliary in 1970. The amicetteAmicettes are young ladies between the ages of 9 and 13.

There are over 150 active groups internationally. The young ladies participate in various service projects and have tons of fun together.

For more information, please email us.